Simple Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life

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Starting a business, chasing a dream, or honestly doing anything in life can become extremely difficult if you’re struggling with mindset. 

Changing your mindset with these simple shifts will completely change your life. 

In today’s blog post I am going to share a few mindset shifts that I practice daily that have drastically improved my life and allowed me to start living my dreams. 

Before we dive in it’s important to note, learning to use your mind as a tool, and recognizing that you are not stuck in a particular mindset or way of thinking is the KEY to start making lasting changes. 

Deciding To Make Choices For You Instead Of Others 

Sometimes we don’t even realize it, but we are living for everyone else. 

It’s easy to start chasing something whether it be a career, financial goal, or partner because it’s what you think you should do or what you think other people would like you to do. 

I'm guilty of that. 

After I graduated from college I found myself chasing different job opportunities that I hated and even considered going to grad school because I thought that it would look good. That other people would be proud of me. 

At the time my boyfriend was enrolled in a grad program and I began to feel that I was less because I wasn’t going after a Ph.D. 

I was struggling.

It wasn’t because people MADE me feel less than, it was because I let them. 

I allowed other people’s opinions and even what I imagined they thought to dictate the way I lived my life. I was miserable.

All of the dreams I had in the back of my head, like creating a business, location independence, writing a book, and doing things I loved while working for myself became a faint whisper.

I was lost.

But you know what got me out of that rut?

A simple mindset shift. 

I decided to go after my happiness and my version of success instead of chasing other people’s dreams and validation. 

I decided it was perfectly okay to chase my dreams, be a little tight on money, or work at a coffee shop for a while to pay the bills while I built my empire. I decided it was more than okay to chase my version of success even if I looked completely crazy to other people.

Once I started going after things for me, everything changed. 

I became confident again, I wasn’t constantly stressing out about work, or what type of job I should or shouldn't have, I wasn’t spending hours sobbing on the couch. 

I had a purpose.

I was on a mission to do what I love and make money doing it. 

So, my advice to you is to stop right now and think about who you are living for. 

What are you chasing after? Why are you chasing those things?

Start making decisions based on your happiness and wellbeing and let go of anything that doesn’t get you closer to that.

Once you change your mindset from a ‘for what looks good to them’ mentality to a ‘what is right for me’ mentality nothing can stand in your way. 

Your Success Is Inevitable

The second mindset tip I have for you is to literally believe in yourself. I know, basic. 

But honestly, if you can believe in your success from the deepest of levels you will succeed. You will find away

Just the act of believing you are capable raises your vibration to match the goal you are chasing. 

It’s about shifting your mindset from thinking limiting thoughts like, “I can’t”, “What if I fail?”, “I’m not smart enough”, “This won’t work” to the belief that you will achieve your goals no matter what.

It’s already set in stone. Your success is inevitable

I was listening to Henry Amarr’s Podcast the other day and he put it so well. 

He says, “It’s not a matter of IF but a matter of when.” 

Once you start functioning from a place of knowing that your success is inevitable you can move past any doubt or negativity and start getting the work done. You can finally stop getting in your own way.

Visualize, Visualize, Visualize

It’s not enough to believe your success is inevitable, you’ve got to start imagining it. 

Your brain can’t actually tell a real event from an imagined one. Or so I’ve been told ;) But either way, I’m going with it. 

Start imagining your goals coming true in the most vivid way possible, you can even create a vision board to help you, but personally, I like to daydream. 

I imagine what I’m wearing, how I feel, how it smells.

Visualize your success so clearly that you can taste it. 

I also like to write down little affirmations to myself in my journal while I imagine my dream coming true. For example, when I first started my business I started imagining what it would be like to sign my first client and get paid through PayPal for the first time. 

I wrote it down in my journal, I imagined it, I put in the work and because I was so sure that I WOULD actually sign my first client. Because I was functioning at that higher level, I confidently signed my first client that week!

So pick a moment when you’ve finally achieved your goal and visualize the hell out of it. 

Visualize it so much that it feels like it’s already happened. 

It’s kind of like that idea “Be Do Have” I forget who coined it, but it’s this idea that you need to start by being the person you want to be, doing, and acting in that way and then you will have what you want. 

Essentially, you match the energy or the level of what you want and you start functioning from that frequency instead of functioning from a place of lack. 

Don’t expect money to drop into your lap right this second, but if you put in the work and visualize your success, it just might feel like it did.

You need to be the person that would have the outcome you want. 

So instead of telling myself, I would be confident or happy once I got my first client, I was already that person, I was happy and confident before I signed my first client.

Practive Gratitude | How To Shift Your Mindset

Be Grateful

I’m not going to tell you to start keeping a gratitude journal (although it wouldn’t hurt), but what I am saying is that expressing gratitude will change your life for the better.

Once I started expressing gratitude, even internally for the smallest of things, I became so much happier, so much less negative. I changed my attitude and guess what happened?

I started attracting more good into my life. 

This is probably the most simple and well known out of all the mindset hacks and tips and for a reason.

Expressing gratitude shifts your mindset from focusing on the negative to the positive.  

I’m a strong believer that whatever you put your energy into you attract more of. 

So let’s avoid attracting more dumb s**t into our lives.

I’m not saying you can’t acknowledge when something happens that you’re sure as hell not grateful for, but don’t make a stew out of it.

Acknowledge your feelings, but don’t forget to let them go. 

Tell Your Ego To STFU

So, apparently, your ego wants to protect you from being lonely or dying. It wants you to survive and basically doesn’t want you to suffer, like at all. 

It’s that voice in your head that’s always telling you not to take any risks and ultimately live small. 

I sure as heck don’t want to keep functioning from a place of lack and I’m sure you don't either. That’s why my next mindset tip is to tell your ego to shut the F up. 

When you go after something big, you’re taking a risk. Your ego is going to rear its ugly head and feed you limiting thoughts to keep you in your comfort zone.

As we all know, growth doesn’t happen in the comfort zone, baby.

In reality, it’s just holding you back from reaching your full potential. 

Acknowledge it, and let it go. 

If I catch my mind going down a path of self-doubt and limiting thoughts I think, “stop” and redirect my thoughts. 

If my ego says I can’t, I say I will.

Don’t let your ego keep you small. 

Stop Taking Life So Seriously & Treat It As An Experiment 

If you’re anything like me and you tend to overthink everything, then this mindset shift is for you.

Stop taking life so seriously. Seriously, stop it. ;)

I think the general consensus is that we are all going to die. Someday, you are going to poof out of existence and it’s up to you how you spend your time until then.

I know I sound a bit harsh. To clarify I do believe that we all have a bigger purpose that we should try to get in alignment with. Part of getting in alignment with your path is to stop taking life so seriously.

Taking things seriously is just another thing holding you back. 

I’m not saying stop paying your bills and become a butthole. I’m saying, use this mindset as a tool to create more success and opportunities. 

Adopting this mindset has allowed me to stop putting so much of myself into the outcome of things or circumstances. 

I’ve been able to do things that would normally scare the crap out of me by going into it as if this whole thing called life is one giant experiment and a way for me to have fun and try cool stuff. 

I still have a ton of work to do, I let fear take over sometimes. 

Just the other day one of my clients invited me to be interviewed on her Facebook live my immediate instinct was to say no. How could I possibly talk in front of a bunch of people? Why am I important? 

But I typed “Absolutely!” before any of my negative, super-serious limiting thoughts could make the decision for me. I just kept telling myself, let’s see what happens

When you stop taking life so seriously it gives you a chance to get out of your own way and experience anmazing things.

If you can learn how to use your mind as a tool you will be able to step into your authentic power and start creating the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Mindset really is everything. 

I hope you found something here to help you break through your boundaries and change the way you chase your dreams. 

Best of luck to you! XO,


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