How To Change Your Mood When You’re Feeling Unmotivated

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In today’s blog post, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite ways that I turn a ‘bad’ unproductive day into a better, more productive day.

This is a routine for those moments when you find yourself feeling stuck, anxious, distracted, and just altogether unmotivated or a bad mood.

It's similar to having a morning routine, but I like to refer to this as my emergency routine. It's not even really a routine, it's more like a toolkit full of practices that can completely shift my mindset and reinvigorate me. 

My emergency toolkit allows me to stay in control of my moods and turn a bad day into a good day.

Mindset is 80% of entrepreneurship, or anything really. If your mindset is off, your productivity suffers.  

Even if you love what you do, you probably won't be motivated every single day.

That's why it's so important to work on your mindset. If you’re interested in learning more about some of my favorite mindset shifts that completely changed my life and allowed me to create my dream life and business, read the blog post HERE.

You are not your mind. Your mind is a muscle. 

Once you learn that you can control your mindset, nothing is impossible. 

So let's dive into some ways you can turn your bad day into a productive one. 

1| Acknowledge That You Can Shift Your Mood

The first step is to acknowledge that you’re having a rough day or a rough moment then remind yourself that you are not stuck. You have the power to change your mindset. 

2| Step Away From Your Work

Next, step away from your work. Even if it's only for 5 minutes. You need to create space between yourself and your projects physically and mentally. 

3| Get Outside & Move Your Body

Next, step outside, onto your porch, or go for a stroll around the neighborhood. 

It's important to change your environment.

Just being in nature will allow you to calm down and raise your energy levels. 

Get your body moving by taking a walk or stretching.  

I typically save my workouts for later and do something easy just to get the blood flowing and connect my mind and body. 

How To Have A Better Day | Mindset Tips | Personal development | How to get motivated

4| Read or Listen to a Podcast That Motivates You

I have a few podcasts and books that really lift my spirits and motivate me to get things done or just put me in a better mood altogether. I like to listen to them while I walk outside and stretch. 

You could also read positive quotes and affirmations on Pinterest.

5| Intentionally Think Positive Thoughts & Redirect Any Negative Thoughts

During this time, I acknowledge any negative thoughts or feelings I have and redirect them into positive thoughts. I try to become more intentional with the things that I allow in my mind. 

Try to starve the negativity and self-doubt as much as you can, by literally correcting your thoughts. 

For example, if I find myself thinking, I’m not good enough, I will literally think to myself NO, I am good enough, I am great at what I do. 

Negative self-talk is one of the most common mindset struggles. We tend to me so hard on ourselves. Can you imagine talking to your friends the way you speak to yourself? You probably wouldn’t have any friends!

Try to change the way you talk to yourself, be kiinder, and only say things that you would say to a friend.

6| Journal 

Journaling is a great way to release negative thoughts and feelings.  

If I'm having a particularly emotional day, I will write them all out. Journaling helps me sort through my thoughts and find the silver lining or solution to my problem. 

Even if I don’t come up with a solution or silver lining, I usually feel much lighter, like I lifted a weight off my chest. 

7| Have A Short Day/ Plan Something Relaxing or Enjoyable After You Finish Work

Typically at this point, I’m ready to get back to work feeling motivated and ready to tackle the day. 

However, it’s important to remember that some days are tougher than others. If you’re really struggling and your emergency routine doesn’t seem to do the trick, try planning something rewarding after your workday is over. 

If at all possible, recognize that you deserve some rest and try cutting your day short or rescheduling. 

It’s better to take a personal day and come back feeling energized than to spend the day crying over your work and ultimately producing lower quality work. 

I know this isn’t always an option for everyone, but do what’s best for your wellbeing and your business. 

I hope you found something here to help you the next time you’re having a less than a fantastic day. 

If you have anything you do to help shift your mindset share it in the comments below! I’m always looking for new reccomendations.



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