7 Signs It’s Time to Hire a Freelance Writer

Whether you run a blog, a business, or a blogging business, chances are there’s a lot of writing that needs to get done for everything to run smoothly.

It might look like articles for your blog, landing pages, sales pages, social copy, emails, or web copy. Whatever it is, you know that writing is an essential component of your business and, by extension, your income.

At one point or another, most of us will consider hiring a freelance writer to help carry some of the weight. But when is it a good idea to hire someone?

Here are 7 signs it’s time for you to hire a talented freelance writer.

1. You Hate Writing

Running an online business or blog is a lot of work. You’re wearing a lot of hats, and sometimes the actual writing part of the business starts to feel like too much.

If you are starting to dread the idea of sitting down at your computer and hammering out an article or two, it’s probably time to outsource your writing.

The great thing about hiring a freelancer is that you can choose whether you want to hire someone to write a few articles or work with you on a long-term basis.

If you don’t hire some help, continuing to push through when you feel overwhelmed or overworked to write can lead to burnout. You might find yourself struggling to get blog posts out on time or rushing to finish them and not producing your best work.

Working with a professional writer is a great way to ensure your quality of work remains high and your blog stays up and running while you have extra time to rest and work on projects that light you up.

2. You Struggle to Come Up with Article Topics

Difficulty coming up with relevant article topics is another sign it could be time to hire some help. Most good freelance writers are happy to research potential high-ranking article topics and ideas to help grow your blog.

The beauty of this is that you can hire someone to come up with ideas for you. Or pay them to come up with topics and execute them. It’s totally up to you how much work you want to hand off.

Personally, I offer this service to my clients as well as a trial article before any commitments are made to work together further. This way, both the client and the freelancer get a chance to see if they are a good match.

3. You’re Feeling Alone in Your Business

Business and blogging can be lonely. I’ve been there myself, and I’ve found that I tend to work better when I have at least one person on my team. If you’ve felt alone in your work and feel like it would be nice to have a second pair of eyes on your blog, then hiring a freelancer is a great way to get the support you need without relinquishing too much control of your business.

Seriously, teamwork really does make the dream work.

4. You Feel Overwhelmed

This is probably the most obvious sign that it’s time to hire someone. If you can’t keep up with your business, your quality of work is likely going to take a dip. Your work-life balance will suffer, and your mental health won’t be at its peak.

It’s important to remember why you started your blog or business in the first place. Probably, so you could make money doing what you love while enjoying the added freedom of working for yourself.

If you’ve grown so much or experienced life circumstances that have left you feeling overwhelmed and maybe even burnt out, hiring someone is the best investment you could make for yourself and your business. They’ll save you tons of time and bring creative new ideas to the table that could mean the differnce between your business declining or thriving.

5. You Want to Grow Your Blogging Business

Tons of small businesses hire blog writers as their business grows. Because successful bloggers and business owners know that working with the right people is what will help them build the best business possible.

Working with a writer is the perfect way to expand your team without bringing on a full-time hire. If you want to take the next step to expand your business, whether that be through offering products or services or starting another blog, it’s definitely time to ask for help.

I’ve talked to many business owners who have a difficult time letting go of their businesses or asking for help. Some aspect of themselves feels like they need to do it all alone. But when they do get help, it actually ends up being the best thing for their business.

Hiring help doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that the business is no longer yours. It will always be yours (unless you sell it), but a good business owner knows the power of working in their zone of genius and hiring the right team members.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, hiring a freelance writer is the first step in the right direction.

6. You Want to Improve SEO

Speaking of working in your zone of genius, maybe you love content writing and are capable of producing high-quality content, but you don’t know the first thing about SEO best practices.

We all know blogging isn’t just about writing a great, value-packed article. especially if you want people to actually read it. Not all good writers know how to reach their target audience when it comes to posting content online. This is where hiring a writer with a background in SEO can make all the difference.

Hiring a freelance writer with a background in search engine optimization will boost your blog’s performance and get more eyes on your content.

Even if you prefer to write your own articles or come up with the topics, you can hire someone to optimize your current articles and topics for searchability. This way, you can continue to write content you love and get it in front of more people.

7. You Want More Freedom

Lastly, it’s time to hire someone if you simply want more freedom in your business. You don’t need any other justification for hiring help other than that you want to.

Having someone do the work you don’t feel like doing is the most freeing thing you can do for yourself. And believe me when I say there are people out there begging to do the work you don’t want to do. So, give yourself a break and create more freedom for yourself by finally taking the plunge and hiring the right freelance writer.

How to Hire a Freelance Writer

Okay, so I convinced you to hire a fee lance writer, but how do you find one?

There is a plethora of freelance writers with expertise in a wide range of topics looking for freelance work and the opportunity to create great content that delivers the best results for their clients.

Finding quality writers can be a challenge. After all, you want someone who can master your writing style and produce high-quality content that meets your copywriting needs. Hiring a good freelance writer can save you a lot of time and help you develop a stronger online presence that supports your business goals.

If you’re ready to take the next step and start the hiring process, I offer freelance writing and social media management services. I’d be happy to work with you or point you in the direction of a great writer more suited to your content needs if we aren’t the right fit.

To chat with me and take a look at my writing samples, comment “freelance writer” and I’ll reach out to you.


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