How I Make $1000-$3000 Per Month With Pinterest & How You Can Do The Same


If you told me two years ago that my love for Pinterest would help me pay my bills — I would have laughed in your face and then gone home to Google if it’s possible.

Which is kind of what happened.

I became a virtual assistant about 1.5 years ago. I started by offering many different services, but over time I narrowed my services down to things I truly enjoyed doing — writing and creating graphics for Pinterest.

As of now, I have multiple clients as a Pinterest Manager. I also use Pinterest to drive traffic to my website and promote my business. So that means I use Pinterest to sign clients for my Pinterest Management business! How cool is that?!

The best part is — you can do it too.

If you find yourself scrolling through Pinterest often, have an eye for graphic design, and the desire to work from home or start a side hustle, Pinterest Management might be for you.


What Does a Pinterest Manager Do?

Believe it or not, Pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media platform. Bloggers and business owners use Pinterest to drive traffic to their websites and even their Instagram or Youtube channels. Pinterest is much easier to learn than Google SEO. Plus, you have a much better chance of getting tons of traffic from Pinterest than ranking first in a Google search.

Essentially, I act similarly as an Instagram Manager would, except my expertise is in Pinterest. I create all of the graphics for my clients, write pin descriptions, schedule, optimize their profile, perform keyword research, and more. Long story short, I help bloggers and business owners expand their reach through Pinterest.

Many of my clients don’t have the time or expertise to run their Pinterest account. I save them time and increase traffic to their website by taking that off their shoulders.

How to Become a Pinterest Manager

If you like how this sounds, and want to learn how to become a Pinterest Manager yourself, keep reading.

Become an Expert

Learn everything you can about how to grow on Pinterest. There is so much free content you can find on the internet that will teach you the basics of Pinterest Management. I’m hoping to come out with a Pinterest Management course soon myself, but in the meantime, you can find tons of free resources on Youtube, Pinterest, or by doing a simple Google search.

I taught myself the basics of Pinterest Management by watching Youtube videos, reading articles, and taking courses. After I had a decent amount of knowledge — I applied it. This leads me to the next step.

Create Social Proof

I highly recommend trying Pinterest out for yourself. Create a business account and start growing your Pinterest. You need to prove to yourself that you can use your knowledge of Pinterest and achieve results. Once you prove you can grow your Pinterest account, you will have the confidence to do it for others and the proof you need to begin selling your services. When other people see the results you achieved for yourself, they are likely to hire you to do the same for them.

How to Find Clients

The final step is to become a Pinterest Manager is to find people who are willing to pay you for your services. Simply put, you need to package your services, price them, and then begin marketing yourself.

When I first started, the majority of my success was through finding clients through Facebook groups. I also marketed my skills on Instagram and my blog. If you can share valuable content that showcases your skills and social proof — you will attract paying clients. May of my first few clients I found through Facebook groups. I recommend joining multiple Facebook groups where your ideal client is likely hanging out. Spend some time each day looking for people who are seeking your services and connecting with them.

Clients won’t appear out of thin air — you have to get in front of them with your offer. Otherwise, they won’t know you exist.

Finding your first few clients might require offering your services at a discounted rate(never for free). This will help you build confidence and create more social proof as you work with your first few paying customers. Once you have more experience under your belt, you can raise your prices. This was the method I used to get my business off the ground. The most beneficial part of this process was the confidence I built. My confidence in my services increased, and I felt comfortable charging my worth with future clients.

The initial startup is the hardest part. It might take a while to sign your first client. But don’t give up.

Final Thoughts

Anyone can become a Pinterest Manager. It’s about investing the time it takes to build your skillset and find clients who are willing to pay you. If you love Pinterest and want to start a profitable business — I can’t recommend becoming a Pinterest Manager enough. I love what I do and the freedom that accompanies it.

My journey to making a full-time income online was not an overnight success or easy. But I truly believe that if I can do this — anyone can. All it takes is hard work and the persistent belief that you can be successful.

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