How to Use Keywords to Grow Your Pinterest Account


So you heard that growing on Pinterest is the key to increasing your website traffic and building a profitable blog, but you have no idea where to start.

How to Grow Your Pinterest Account

First things first—Pinterest is a search engine more than a social media platform. That means SEO optimization is key to your success on Pinterest.

Don't freak out. SEO on Pinterest is simple. Any beginner can easily optimize their account in a few steps and start reaching thousands, even millions of eyes on their content.

SEO optimization is all about keywords. Which ones you use and where you place them. Keywords are the search terms users enter in the search bar to find content. Consider how you search for something on Pinterest or Google—those are keywords or phrases.

If you are a fat loss expert and you share educational content about nutrition and fat loss. You will want to use commonly searched-for words and phrases to ensure your content is easily discoverable for your audience.

If you have trouble figuring out what keywords to target, you can read about that here.

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Where to Put Keywords to Grow Your Pinterest Account

On Your Pins Themselves

Yes, your keywords and phrases should be on your graphics. Make sure you use an easy-to-read font. 

Pin Titles

For my pin titles, I don't overthink it—I take the title straight from the pin graphic itself. You want your pin title to match. 

Pin Descriptions

In the first sentence, make sure you use the same keyword you targeted in the title. After that, work in different variations of the keyword in paragraph format. Make sure to avoid keyword stuffing. Your description should read like a paragraph because people will read them before clicking through to your website. Include as many keywords as you can while sounding natural. 

Profile Bio

Your bio should include keywords related to your niche. You don't have much space—pick keywords and phrases that are the most relevant for your brand. 

Profile Name

This is another spot you can sneak in a few keywords. The example we used before you could put your name followed my Fat Loss Expert. 

Image Title

Very few people realize that your image title matters for SEO. When you export a graphic from Canva or whatever platform you use to create your Pins, title it something relevant. I like to copy and paste the Pin title I already wrote to make things simple.

Alt Text

Make sure to include alt text on all your images. Take a moment to describe the pin and include a few keywords at the end. 

Board Titles

Similar to pin titles, but your boards are a little less specific. For example, you could title one of your board's Tips for Fat Loss. Another board title could be Weight Loss Tips for Men. 

Board Descriptions

Lastly, use this space to tell your audience what content they can expect from the board. Use as many keywords as possible. Make sure your boards are not too generic. The more niched-down boards you have, the better. 

Interested in saving time by hiring a Pinterest Manager? Check out my Pinterest & Blog Management Services and book a call. :)


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