Life Changing Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

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If you’re an entrepreneur or someone who wants to uplevel your life, these books are a MUST.

Seriously, in my opinion, these are the best books to read for entrepreneurs and creatives. Each one of them has changed my life in some way.

I still have a massive list of books I want to read, so I’m sure this list will change over time. 

These are my top picks for the moment! Ranging from books on creativity, marketing, and personal development. 

Each of these areas plays a huge role in the life of an entrepreneur.

I wanted to share a well-rounded list of books that have shaped my entrepreneurial journey and continue to shape it to this day. 

I hope these books will do the same for you.

They are in no particular order, so feel free to pick which one speaks to you!

  1. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert


This book will inspire and empower you to let go of fear and start creating.

 I’m convinced that even if you aren’t particularly creative, this book will give you the power and desire to start creating something. 

It will awaken the creative beast inside you, even if you were never aware you had one.

If you define yourself as a creative person, even better! Gilbert will help you break free of self-doubt and the limiting beliefs holding you back from creating incredible things. 

Gilbert shares her creative process and encourages us to unlock the “strange jewels” that are within all of us. 

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your creative journey or process or even stuck when it comes to creating your own life, I cannot recommend this book enough. 

It was a relatively quick read. I ended up finishing it one day because I couldn’t put it down. I read it a few years ago and will probably end up revisiting it because it was so good. 

If you want to step into your creative side, I highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of Big Magic ASAP.

2. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey


Okay, you’ve probably heard of this one. It’s a pretty popular book in the realm of personal development. I recently read this book—it honestly proved to be life-changing. 

Covey’s approach to personal development is a no “fluff” approach. He delves into the principles and habits behind why we are the way we are. His solutions are much more in-depth than just “stay positive” or “communication is key.” He gives us actionable steps to solve personal and professional problems. 

I’ve learned so much from this book, I am now working on forming the habits Covey presents, and my life is truly beginning to transform.

I will read it again before and if I have children. Covey presents some powerful parenting advice that I wish my parents had lived by. 

If you want to improve your relationships, personally and professionally, I recommend you read, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.

3. ⁠Made To Stick⁠ by Chip and Dan Heath 


I read Made To Stick in my book marketing class in college, and it’s definitely on my reread list. 

Dan and Heath discuss what makes ideas stick and how to make them stickier. This book will change the way you communicate ideas. I found the examples they use to demonstrate their points extremely entertaining. 

Made To Stick is essential for any entrepreneur or creative. We thrive off of ideas, and this book will take them to the next level.

Dan and Heath dive into what it is that makes some ideas memorable and others not so much. 

I found this book incredibly insightful and hilarious. 

Even if you’re not a marketing fanatic, this book is an easy and enjoyable read. I highly recommend it. 

4. ⁠Purple Cow⁠ by Seth Godin


Like Made to Stick, this book is a bit aged, but I think it’s still relevant and a great way to learn about marketing concepts in an easily digestible way. 

Godin will push you to create something incredible. He shows us what makes something remarkable and why some things remain invisible. Godin challenges us to create something extraordinary. 

If you want to create something that stands apart from the crowd, this is the book for you. Purple Cow shows us what stands out and what doesn’t—it will leave you inspired to create a purple cow of your own.

5. ⁠#Girlboss⁠ by Sophia Amoruso


#Girlboss. A true story about a girl who took her hobby of selling vintage clothing online and turned it into a $100 million-plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees called Nasty Gal.

I found her story inspiring and entertaining. If you are looking for a personal development book that is entertaining and inspiring, you should enjoy #Girlboss.

The story isn’t just about Sophia. It’s about all of us. It’s about how we can create success in our own lives, no matter when or how we start. 

Sophia is hilarious and brutally honest. 

If you need to light a fire under your ass, this is the book for you. 

After reading #Girlboss, I felt like I could conquer the world, self-doubt, and create the business and life of my dreams. 

6. Untamed⁠ by Glennon Doyle


I’m just going to start out by saying, OH. MY. GOSH.

From the first line of this book, I was hooked. Glennon covers a range of topics in a way that feels like poetry. 

It feels like each word she says has been something that’s been burning inside of me, and I never knew it was there. 

This book will help you unlock everything that is already within you. It will allow you to become a more authentic and powerful version of yourself. You’ll learn to trust yourself and create positive, healthy relationships with everyone around you. 

Her voice is powerful, untamed, and beautiful. 

This book will give you the courage and burning desire to break free of your cages. 

Seriously, READ. IT. 

⁠7. She Means Business⁠ by Carrie Green


This was one of the first business-related books I read. 

Carrie Green is fantastic. In her book, she shares practical steps and insights into what it takes to be an entrepreneur. If you’ve been considering starting a business or are looking for actionable steps and insight into the world of entrepreneurs, Green’s got you covered.

She’s been where you are. She gets you.  

I felt like I was talking to my best friend while reading her book. 

It’s not so easy, being a woman with big dreams and ambitions, it’s confusing and scary, Carrie knows that, and she’s here to help you through. 

Grab your copy HERE.

8. The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga


Being an entrepreneur comes with many struggles, and one of the big ones is learning to accept that not everyone will like you.

This book is about so much more than that, but essentially it is about finding the courage to be who your most authentic self. 

The entire book is a conversation between a Philosopher and a young man, referred to as the Youth. The Philosopher uses the principles of Alfred Adler. He explains to the young man how each of us is responsible for determining our own life. He explains that we are free from our past experiences, doubts, and the opinions or expectations of others. 

So far, this book has been incredible, challenging my way of thinking in the best of ways. 

It is presented as a conversation between the Philosopher and his pupil, the Youth. This allows us to clearly see both perspectives. 

The Youths' questions and disagreements point out where the reader might be questioning the Philosopher's ideas, allowing the Philosopher to explain.

Honestly, I would recommend this book to anyone. But especially to entrepreneurs, because as an entrepreneur, I know that the entrepreneurial journey is so much more than a business journey.

It’s one of the most difficult personal growth journeys you will ever face. Becoming an entrepreneur pushes you to face parts of yourself and challenge your own ways of thinking and functioning daily. 

This book has truly helped me begin to let go of other people’s expectations, my own limiting beliefs, and the fear that I might fail.

Grab your copy HERE.

Well, I hope you found your next read on this list!

I would love to hear some of your favorite books for entrepreneurship, or just in general. 

If you are interested in entrepreneurship, personal development, and building an income doing what you love, subscribe to my newsletter!


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